Role of a Good Resume in Your Job Search ~ Ikya Global EDU

Want to get that interview call? A decent resume is a must – Build Yours Now!

The story goes thus:

You are looking for a job and while hoping you get that interview call, you get equipped with that classy pair of shoes, clothes and a great haircut; these are like secondary preparations and fancy decorations. What matters most is the core – Resume!

A decent, well-worked upon resume is the basis of any job search. This has enough power to decide whether you get the job or not.

Let us a few ways in which it can work in your favor:

1. Makes you look more professional


A good resume can actually convince the When a hiring manager that you are the right fit for the job. How is that possible? Well, the format in which you prepare your resume speaks a great deal about you. If your resume is short and crisp, it says you are a simple and straight forward person. If your resume is well structured, you will seem like an organized person. It, then, makes it easy for the interviewer to decide a little bit on whether to proceed for an interview or not. If you do this well, you almost will get the call!

2. Makes it easier to read


As we know, the time a hiring manager spends on your resume is hardly a minute, that too, if it manages to grab his attention. The span of attention is pretty low unless your resume is really catchy! So, how do you grab his attention? Well, if you structure your resume in a great way and position your profile strategically, it makes it easy for the hiring manager to get the gist of your profile and thus conclude on the next step. It might actually prove inspiring for him for taking it further.

3. Communicates directly to every particular hiring manager.


Custom message – This has to be designed in such a way that it directly attacks the core interest of the job you are applying for. This can be done by stating the specific qualifications, experience and skills that suit the position and the organization that you are applying for. This statement must almost qualify you for the position!

4. Gets you noticed on the internet.


If you prepare your resume using accurate keywords related to the position you are looking for, chances are the visibility will be global. This makes your resume pop up across the web thus enhancing your growth prospects.

5. Gets you famous among the hiring managers.


If your resume stands out, the person who reads it first will be excited to share it with other concerned mangers as it has the right traits that qualify you for the role. This will make you famous even before you arrive.

Now that you know what a significant role the resume plays in shaping your career, invest that time and effort to build a great one!